Published: February 07, 2017

Ahead of his performance with Nader Sadek and several Lebanese metal bands at the Metal Gathering on February 11th at Metro al Madina hosted by Metal Bell Magazine, our editor-in-chief Kareem interviewed drummer Derek Roddy. Derek will also be hosting a drum clinic at Ashrafieh's Instruments Garage on the same day at 12pm!

Kareem: You’re playing in Lebanon for the first time ever with Nader Sadek soon! How are
you feeling? We’re looking forward to having you here.

Derek: I’m very much looking forward to it. My great grandfather was Lebanese so it will be
great to be able to see the beautiful country for the first time.

Do you have a favorite song by Nader Sadek that you enjoy playing?

Oh man, haha… they’re all pretty fun but of the ones we’re playing I’d say
"Deformation" and "Entropy" are 2 of my favorites.

How’d you and Nader get together? Are you recording any new material with him?

Nader and I started playing together in 2014, but we’ve known each other a good
while, back in my Hate Eternal days. We had lost touch for a few years but good
to be in touch again and playing. It’s nice to be able to do gigs and not have to
make such a big commitment to touring, etc with a full time band. Owning my
own Reptile Business makes it hard for me to break away for long periods as I
need to be home for my animals. So it works out perfect.

What are some of the other music projects you’ve been working on these days?

I’ve got several bands I’m working on locally right now, as well as some bands that
never got finished recording, etc haha. It’s hard to get everything done when
time is so limited but, at the moment I have my “Florida Death Metal” band “The
Great Die”. A progressive metal/extreme metal band named “Black Curtain” and a
Prog Rock band named “Life Ever After”. In addition to those, I also have a 4th
Serpents Rise album in the works, a re recording of the "Council of the Fallen” that
Kevin Quirion (Deicide) and I recorded many years ago and a few other
surprises. So, I’m looking forward to 2017 being a busy year musically.

Tell us about an embarrassing, but memorable, moment that happened while on

Well, don’t have too many of those but there were always funny and exciting things
happening around us when touring. Gear defects are always fun. haha….such as
beaters coming out of your pedals mid song, or stands breaking and cymbals
flying down at you during a set. Or how about the drum throne sliding off the back
of the riser while you’re on it! yeah, thats happened. Haha.

What advice do you have for young drummers who are trying to improve and master
the instrument?

To master? Simple… Play, play, play it’s the only way. And play with people. Get out of
your bedroom or practice area and playing and connect with other musicians.
That’s what makes you good.

What’s your warm-up routine or pre-show ritual?
Water and stretching. Haha.

What have you been listening to lately?

“Free Salamander Exhibit” release, Anything that “Virus” (Norway) has out…..just
killer. “Sleepy Time Gorilla Museum” another one of my favorites.

What have you been doing these days outside of music?

A lot of outdoor things like canoeing, hiking, biking, the beach, swimming, etc…. Since I
live in South Florida, we have beautiful weather all year round so, I get outside a
lot. Haha.

Any final remarks for Metality’s readers and metal fans from across the Middle East?

Can’t wait to rock with my metal brothers and sisters. I’m excited to play for you all.

Thanks for your time, Derek! We’ll see you soon! Cheers!

You can find Derek on Facebook here.
You can find the Metal Gathering event Facebook page here.
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