Just in case anyone was wet-around-the-gills or still learning about the real side to the industry known as business & e-commerce, it IS official folks – not all – but a several amount of corporate-incompetent beings that actually have the misfortune to draw the same breath as you & I (i.e. certain individuals that represent themselves as H.R. Managers or as an under-qualified, inept existence as a flawed/abhorrent company trainer) are indeed a bunch of career development blocking, amoeba-ridden spool of soulless bastards.
All those in this era by which we call the 21st Century (who actually get the honour of being called an employee) should grasp every opportunity that they can (authentically) and to not to use their role/title/mindset to hinder, block or manipulate THE TRUTH for their own paranoid & selfish, sadistic greed.
Taking you back to a modern time where things were lot more easier to understand once hindsight OR insight had been applied, Aisha Zoe & Rich Main’s (AZ&TOR) ‘Sit Back,’ and Golf Claps’ ‘Had Enough Chances’ (MTDL #13 release) have more inner house & garage meaning than plenty of the few female/male homosapians who practice polishing their masks and duality hats + belts every day.
What Goes Around ALWAYS Comes Back Around.
Look In The Mirror And Ask Yourself Has Anything You’ve Done Lately Actually Been Worthwhile Or Meaningful.
Don’t Sell Yourself Out. EVER.
What Side Are You On? The Right Side, The Dark Side Or The Deluded Side?