Mladi zagrebacki cetveroclani bend medu rijetkima u Hrvatskoj stvara glazbu koja bi se mogla okarakterizirati kao melodicni hardcore. Pod utjecajem novijih punk bendova poput Rise Against, Strike Anywhere, Strung Out i A Wilhelm Scream, BT4W svira brzi i melodicni hardcore punk sa "post HC" uletima te pjeva na engleskom jeziku.
Sam je bend nastao 2003. godine te nakon 4 godine djelovanja pod prvotnim imenom NervousStand, snimio demo CD pod nazivom "Pre-Demo" i odsvirao dvadesetak koncerata diljem Hrvatske.
2007. godine bend je promijenio ime te izdao svoj prvi album "Breaking the Fourth Wall", za zagrebacki label 3rd Rocket Records.
Ako zelite pogledati i poslusat koj koncert, pratite info preko ove stranice ili official site
When music makes a big part of your life, you just start dreaming of having a band(well, at least we did).
And for us that dream came true in year 2003., when Wex, Chay and I (Misko) started playing instruments and formed the band under the first name
that came up: NervousStand, even though it means shit, nothing and everything you wanna imagine. Based on influences
like NOFX, Lagwagon, Offspring, Green day, Blink 182, we started looking for 2nd guitarist that would make our
sound stronger and more powerful. After few bad attempts we found a guy named Andrija, who infiltrated our lines
in a matter of months. Soon after, we recorded our old stuff and unleashed our first DIY Demo in 2005. Since then our taste evolved, as well as our music did, coming up with new material in a manner of Strung out, Good Riddance,
A Wilhelm Scream, Rise Against etc. In the year 2007. we renamed us into "Breaking the Fourth Wall", because of different reasons and some of band members personal beliefs.
First release of BTFW is a self titled album, put out by Third Rocket Records label in spring 2007.
Contact E-mail:
3rd Rocket Records - visit label at: OFFICIAL SITE