PUBLISHED: Apr 24, 2013
//ATTIC Sessions is a project by Belgrade based ATTIC studios//
ATTIC donosi nov, različit i kvalitetan muzički sadržaj. Muzičari i autori koji nam svima nedostaju na sceni, sviraju za Vas. Iz našeg studia u Vaše uši.
//Velahavle//, bend iz Sarajeva, prvi su regionalni učesnici u ATTIC Sessions projektu. Teško ih je žanrovski definisati i predstavljaju novinu na regionalnoj muzičkoj sceni. Nakon skoro osmogodišnje pauze i brojnih evropskih svirki, krajem prethodne godine obajvili su novi album čija dva singla, /Sun/ i /Closer/ izvode uživo za ATTIC Sessions.
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ATTIC brings fresh and quality based music content. Musicians and authors who we all miss on today's scene, will play for You. From our studio to Your ears.
//Velahavle// is Sarajevo based band and they are the first artists from outside of Serbia participating in ATTIC Sessions. They are hardly defined by standard musical genres and represent the true innovation on regional scene. After nearly eight years away from studio and numerous European performances, they recently published a new album, including two singles, /Sun/ and /Closer/ performed live at ATTIC Sessions.
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