Ouija Radio
Artist / Band / Musician
Rock / Post punk / New Wave
ghost in the radio and Crustacean records
Ouija Radio is a female-fronted rock group based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The band is led by the enigmatic Christy Hunt who is like a bar fight collision of a garage rock Joan Jett and a shredded out Jimmy Page.
Dubbed a “Bubblegum Axewoman Barbie” by the Twin Cities’ weekly entertainment newspaper, City Pages, Christy sings and plays lead guitar with a signature style that puts her at the top of an unfortunately small and elite league of female lead guitarists/shredders. This is a three piece band, so Christy gets absolutely zero guitar back up - because she doesn’t need any.
Matt “Helz” Belz plays bass in a manic, otherworldly style that would impress the likes of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Flea. Charles Gehr plays drums and as the band’s Web site says, “he also reads old copies of famous monsters magazines.”
The band has released three albums, "Washed Out America", “Last Night on Earth” and the 2006 released “Oh No… Yes Yes!!” Other records worth finding are, "Journey to the Center of the Mind" split with Awesome Car Funmaker (hand screened covers), "The Devil and the Witch single (purple vinyl)", "Let Them Eat Jelly Beans" DVD tour diary, and the unreleased "The Moon is High and So Am I" the long lost second album (very, very rare).
"One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things."
-Henry Miller
"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing."
-Benjamin Franklin
"I disregard the proportions, the measures, the tempo of the ordinary world. I refuse to live in the ordinary world as ordinary women. To enter ordinary relationships. I want ecstasy. I am a neurotic -- in the sense that I live in my world. I will not adjust myself to the world. I am adjusted to myself." - Anais Nin
"A sailor travels to many lands/Any place he please/And he always remembers to wash his hands/So's he don't gets no diseases." -Captain Carl (phil hartman/pee wees playhouse)
"I knew Jimi (Hendrix) and I think that the best thing
you could say about Jimi was: there was a person who
shouldn't use drugs." -frank zappa
At a concert in Beloit, Wisconsin 1968 or 69 a guy in the
audience yelled out, "Eat me Zappa"!!!!!!!!!!!!
This profile was edited with The CricketSoda Myspace Editor
Ouija Radio's new album Oh No.Yes! Yes! is available in North America from Carrot Top Distribution and Electric Fetus One Stop. In Europe from Sonic Rendezvous and Carrot Top Distribution.
You get it on-line direct from crustaceanrecords.com for only $12 a disc postpaid anywhere in the US or Canada. Only $15 postpaid for anyplace else in the world.
You can also order Ouija Radio on-line from the following web stores: Saki,
Interpunk , Crustacean Records or Sonic Rendezvous for those of you wishing to pay in euros.
It can also be downloaded on
and all other legal commercial download and streaming websites.
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