PUBLISHED: Jul 07, 2017
This is a new record of the iteration number. 750 000 000 ! This value took more than 10 gigabytes of ram to render the reference.
The min-iteration number of the last keyframe is 153 619 576.
Coordinates :
Re : -1.74995768370609350360221450607069970727110579726252077930242837820286008082972804887218672784431700831100544507655659531379747541999999995
Im : 0.00000000000000000278793706563379402178294753790944364927085054500163081379043930650189386849765202169477470552201325772332454726999999995
Zoom: 3.18725072474E99
Realized with Kalles Fraktaler 2.6.2
Music : Beethoven - Moonlight sonata