Jaymie Gerard
Artist / Band / Musician
Acoustic / Rock / Other
"One thing I have to say - she really has her own sound. It's a great f'ing sound. and we don't hear music like hers nearly enough," said the man sitting on the bar stool next to me of singer-songwriter Jaymie Gerard. He hit the nail on the head. I've witnessed her rouse up coffee-houses and bring rowdy bars to silence with what seemed like no effort! This truly engaging performer isn't your typical singer-songwriter
Her lyric writing came to her as naturally as the melodies did; now, at 26 years old, Jaymie has over 500 songs, each a story, a moment, an experience of herself and the people around her. Her rhythmic guitar playing and sultry, playful voice are the perfect blend - exciting, enticing and honest.
From the age of 15, Jaymie has been a feature performer around NJ and NYC in places such as The Bitter End, Kenny's Castaways, Soul Café, Loop Lounge and the Alphabet Lounge to name a few.
Sometimes you come across an artist that is so dynamic and so engaging that you know why this person was sent to this planet to share this amazing gift with the world. Jaymie Gerard is that artist.
If you are interested in booking Jaymie, please contact her at JaymieGerard@aol.com.
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