PUBLISHED: Aug 23, 2016
Track from:
Gino Sitson "Body & Voice"
All tracks written, arranged, performed & produced by Gino Sitson for Polyvocal Records, LLC.
Licensed by Buda Records. Distribution: Universal France
Facebook : ginositson1
Music video directed & filmed by Hope Gayle.
Gino Sitson : Voice, Vocal instruments, Miscellaneous vocal effects, body percussion.
Ngoyak' (Black Feeling)
To a people who know how to make merry but who also often cry.
À un peuple qui sait faire la fête et qui aussi pleure souvent.
This album is dedicated to young people that we see every day but do not take the trouble to look at in the face... To children that live on the street. From Cameroon and from the entire world.
Cet opus est dédié à ces jeunes êtres humains que nous voyons tous au quotidien et que nous ne prenons pas la peine de regarder... Aux enfants de la rue. Du Cameroun et du monde entier.