Artist / Band / Musician
Hip Hop / Hardcore / Indie
Lucky Break
Myspace is pretty much dead. So if for some really odd fuckin reason you're reading this and wonder where I've went. try facebook. www.facebook.com/Epkills OR if that's too much to ask and you like to tweet try www.twitter.com/Epidemic23 and follow me around as I say random bullshit! :)
Oh, wait! This is your first time here? Well allow me to get you up to date.
I'm an emcee. I make music. I write. I make beats, etc.
As far as who I am personally.well you just might have to find that out for yourself.
Basic shit: I love to read, talk shit, listen to music nonstop, freestyle(rap), draw, slap you in the face, have fun, and try to keep my head above water and my feet on the ground! OH! And I am not a robot.
Other fun facts: I hate making mistakes, but for some fuckin' reason I'm good at it! Although, once I have made a mistake I do my best to learn from it. Which at this point probably makes me the smartest man alive! I can and will karate chop yo' ass! Adult Swim rocks!
Music: Hiphop, Punk, Emo(yes, emo!), Metal, Indie, Local bands, and whateverthefuck sounds good.
Ok, now back to what I was saying.
I have made a lot of moves in the past years. Some good, some bad, some really bad. BUT, I'm still alive and kicking and I just realized this sounds more like a flippin' blog! Damn it!
Anyways, take a look around. Listen to my tracks/songs. Leave a message, add me as a friend, blah, blah, blah, etc.
Of course if you have already had the pleasure of getting to know me.well that's too bad for you, ha!
I just want to improve as best I can. And make life as fun and as crazy as I can. Be responsible, but at the same time try and not take the world and myself too seriously. Cause lets face it people, we are NOT as cool as we like to think we are. BUT, with friends, family and the right attitude at least we can feel we are as cool as we think we are! (or something like that)
Over and out!
"I rule."

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I've been told by a few that I am/look like the "mexican" Sage. So just for fun, I put this up. What do you think?
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