PUBLISHED: Jan 30, 2012
If You Aren't Pissed Off You Probably Weren't Paying Attention by Chaos, Disorder And Panic at the Fun Haus. The song is about is police brutality and criminalization of the poor.
Does it make you feel tough to be in control ?
Does it make you feel tough to steal from those half your size ?
Now that you've spent millions on riot gear, guns and tasers to protect and serve big business interest well real crime happens all around you and you just sit there eating donuts. Do you feel tough now ?
Mob mentality angry force brutality x 4
Forget the girl getting mugged in a sky train station better chase after the person sneaking on the train we wouldn't want to loose 2 bucks at the expense of public safety
Mob mentality angry force brutality x4
The high school jock that got a gun and a taser for Christmas
Don't forget to fill that quota by the end of the month even if it means shooting poor people and tasering kids.
Mob mentality angry force brutality x4
Now if only people rioted about important things like they do over hockey games
Mob mentality angry force brutality x4