Haute-Normandie, Fr
Artist / Band / Musician
Progressive / Metal / Rock
Under Ossana Ghost is first of all Hubert (Drums) and Fabien’s (Guitar) Groove/Metal/Rock project.
Joined in 2006 by Cris (singer) and Mô (bass), they are inspired by huge riffs, loud music but also Groovy melodic rock.
Machines are added as an instrument to complete their vision and desire of what a song should sound like to them.

In 2009, a new drummer (Yannis) and a new bass player (Vincent) are to join the band.
After 6 months of catching up to the existing songs, they gave some shows in Paris, Rouen, Evreux and others places in the North of France.

The band is now writing new songs and preparing their first record while continuing to perform on stages.
Stay tuned, more is always yet to come !

To contact us : underossanaghost@myspace.com

16 oct 2010: Rouen @ L'Emporium Galorium (w/Abym, Ythad)
08 jui 2010: Rouen @ Le Bateau Ivre (w/ Frenesy, Nebulous, Still Disorder)
21 juin 2010: Evreux @ La fete de la Musique
15 mai 2010: Rouen @ Le Bateau Ivre (w/ Vicious Mind, Abyss)
24 avr 2010: Rouen @ l'Emporium Galorium (w/ Dry my Tears, Meline)
27 mar 2010: Woincourt @ Festival des Musiques Actuelles
23 jan 2010: Rouen @ L'Emporium Galorium (w/ Noein, Supertanker)
09 jan 2010: Saint_Ouen @ Capitol Studio
26 nov 2009: Paris @ Le Gibus
31 oct 2009: Paris @ Le Gibus
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