The Medalist

Gothenburg, SE
Artist / Band / Musician
Pop / Indie
Cloudberry Records
November 11

Winter news again

Nu ligger äntligen våra nya låtar uppe. Det har tagit lång tid att få dom färdiga men here they are! Efter en tids uppehåll är vi nu även i gång med nya rep och hoppas inom kort kunna boka in ett och annat gig.

December 4

Winter news

16 December kommer vi spela på årets i särklass trevligaste jultillställning, A home for christmas. Det börjar kl18 och förutom oss spelar också:

Anna von Hausswolff -

Göteborgs Indiekör -

Hunt -

Hästpojken -

Entré: Minst 60kr. Alla intäkter går till Stadsmissionens julaftonsfirande för Göteborgs hemlösa, så fyll börsen och kom dit.

Plats: Annedalskyrkan

September 1

Autumn news

Yipee, the Tour is setcheck the poster here.

Happy to be on stage again!!

August 26

Autumn news

After a great summer full of sunbathing, hitchhiking and postcard-writing we are getting prepared for new gigs and recordings of brand new songs. In october we will do a short weekend tour to Germany and by then we will have a finished CD and some other "bös" to meet the needs of our very demanding fanbase. As always we'd love to come around and play in your hometown, so send us a message if anything is happening and you want The Medalist to be there.

Ok, that's all for now!

May 18

Sticky fingers 6 juni

Vi spelar på Sticky Fingers i Göteborg, lördag den 6 juni. Fritt inträde mellan 21 och 22, sen kostar det 80 kronor. Kom dit och fira in sommarlovet, semesterplaneringen eller den första solbrännan med oss!

We are playing Sticky Fingers in Gothenburg, Sweden, on June 6th and we would love it if you wanted to join us. Welcome!

April 19

Sleepwalking magazine interview

Hey! We've just spent a giggling sunday morning answering questions about good and bad music, favourite flowers and old cars. Mark Zonda of Italian internet-based Sleepwalking Magazine has made a long interview with the band, you can read it at

March 16

Records make great pets

The Stereo Test Kit mp3 compilation "Records Make Great Pets" is now available for download from

The compilation features our brand new song "No one knows" and no less than twenty other great pop songs by swedish artists. Check it out!

March 15


Here is a clip of us playing "Foreign Language" at our live concert in Pustervik for Woody West last October.

Feb 19

Vi är på TV!

Ja det stämmer, det är vi som sjunger i badrummet. Om du inte har sett filmen än kan du kolla in den på Vill du höra mer av vår musik kan den avlyssnas här på myspace. Vill du äga vår musik kan den beställas i fysisk form från oss eller köpas i digital form på Itunes. Välkommen!

--->watch on youtube

Feb 17

Stereo Test Kit compilation

Great news! The Medalist will be on a Stereo Test Kit Records compilation of swedish artists. The compilation is coming out in the middle of March 2009. We'll come back with more info as soon as we get it.

Nov 20

The new Website

We now uploaded a small website. On this website you can download some songs. Have a look--->

The Medalist

The Medalist started out during the football-crazed summer of 2006 with Christian and Jonas meeting through an ad on the internet. Drummer Johan and bass player David joined during the fall, making the band a band for real. After a year of his best drumming Johan left for Norrland and was replaced by Andreas, giving the band it's present line-up.

Three songs were recorded in Olis's studio Kepner Treg on Tredje Långgatan one weekend in March 2007, and released as a single on lovely indie label Cloudberry Records. In the months that followed another three songs were recorded, and a five track self-titled EP was released in the beginning of 2008. The song "Foreign Language" is also featured on Cloudberry Records' Apple Crumble compilation CD released in Japan.

The Medalist enjoys long strolls, rice cookies and smelling like cigarettes. We would love to be your friend.

We are always interested in playing live, if you want us to, just send us a myspace message or write an email to tmedalist[at]


Single for sale at Cloudberry Records:


Apple Crumble Compilation featuring the Medalist and four other bands, sold by Apple Crumble Records:


"The Medalist" EP. To buy it, send an email to NOW ALSO AVAILABLE ON iTUNES.

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