SOFT TARGETS Press for Heavy Rainbow
“A distinctly gentle sound and great attention to lyrics fill the second full-length from this Tallahassee, FL-based three-piece band. It's the sort of album that makes one relax and tap their toes while still remaining emotionally wrought.”
- XLR8R magazine (Top 10, September 2008)
“…a beautiful album with great, well-crafted songs…Corry’s emotions are evident in his sensitive vocals. Like Morrissey or Otis Redding, who wear their hearts on their sleeves, Corry’s feelings are clear to the listener. His tremendous vocal skills send a heartfelt message when combined with clever lyrics…Heavy Rainbow also showcases Soft Targets’ ability to put together a nice harmony. Each member lends vocals to the songs, adding a real density to the straightforward compositions…Honestly, you’ll get lost in how gorgeous it sounds.”
- Capital Culture magazine, Daniel Lyons
"Though I never really imagined a sophisticated marriage between the likes of Television and the Cure, it appears that the skilled and nuanced Soft Targets have done just that, with their curlicuing musical phrases and sobby-lipped pathos bearing down at the same time with, but not smarmy, postured, but pop-a-delic. gratuitous, but gifted. Move over smart young dandies with guitars in tow, these well-trained boys are armed with playright like lyrical hooks and myriad musical minefields they’ve mustered and mastered."
- Left of the Dial Magazine
“This band has scored a bull's eye with their sophomore album 'Heavy Rainbow'. Think The Kinks sans the sarcasm, a stripped down version of The Small Faces…Best described as a sunny side up pop album that feels like a summer breeze."
- MOG Music
“Forget the credit crunch, forget the world economic problems, forget the threat of global meltdown and get lost in the exquisite, flawless sounds of Soft Targets. a gorgeously compelling set of breezy, rocking psych pop tracks…grown up mellow pop without a trace of the irony that litters the current scene.”
- The Devil Has the Best Tuna, U.K.
“Good lord, but this Tallahassee modern-pop/rock trio has crafted a wholly realized sound and vibe…a fairly stunning collection of semi-restrained, chiming electric guitar-and-keyboard-driven rave-ups and dreamy, lopsided laments that should appeal mightily to anyone enamored with The Shins, The Glands or Canada’s ever-so-terrific Golden Dogs. Their occasionally falsetto vocals are more effete and contemplative than boastful, and the obtuse lyrical constructs only serve to highlight how much thought has gone into both the songwriting and arranging of these positively beatific tunes.”
- Connect Savannah, Jim Reed
“[Soft Targets] has a knack for tales of love told in metaphor…Come for the hooks, stay for the words….”
- Pittsburgh City Paper, Mike Shanley
“… has echoes of The Sea And Cake as much as The Beach Boys and Tom Petty, even Soft Targets’ most melancholic songs sound summery. ‘Heavy Rainbow’ opens with the gorgeous lilting guitar melody from ‘Something Else’ and ends with the similarly languid loveliness of ‘Dear Atlanta’.
- Leonards Lair, UK
“Heavy Rainbow comes complete with some infectious moments, sparkled with enough sexy to spice things up without being overwhelming.”
- Parasites and
“… the band’s music is a study in contrasts, between a clean, bright, indie-pop sound of lilting guitars, upbeat drums, buoyant harmonies (all three guys sing beautifully!), catchy melodies and Jesse’s sweetly aching, emotionally turbulent vocals and conflicted lyrics that shift between cynicism and hope. In order to fully appreciate the depth and ideas of the band, I suggest reading the lyrics at the official site.”
- Delusions of Adequacy, Jen Sideways
“This is a band that sounds like something like David Bowie and Rod Stewart meeting a group of indie pop kids buried in books…”
- First Coast News, Paul Popi
SOFT TARGETS Press for Frequent Flyer
“…emotion mixes with the greatest sophistication, an always delicate mixture…Jesse Corry has one of the most beautiful timbre in pop music the majority of today's pop bands play safe with the sound and the melodies of yesterday, Soft Targets succeeds in finding new ones and the most beautiful ones…the result is flawless….melodic talent bursts at every moment…the true pop break of this year.”
- Pop News, Franck Zeisel
"altogether compelling.”
-Music Connection magazine
"The catchy melodic opener "Last Year" floats by with eloquence as the vocals and guitar harmonize beautifully to form one irresistible chorus. full of emotion."
- Impact Press
"I hardly know where to begin telling you how much I like Soft Targets' debut CD "Frequent Flyer". Maybe I should start with Jesse Corry's voice. It's expressive, elastic, honest, and mutable. It's perfectly matched for the Targets’ deftly crafted pop compositions.”
- Tallahassee Democrat, Kati Schardl