Marching Band
Artist / Band / Musician
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Hello everyone in South Africa. Thanks for showing up and being so freindly down under, when we supported our friends Harris Tweed on a tour for three weeks! You can watch our videodiary from the tour here!
Marching Band (formerly known as Second Language) is Erik Sunbring and Jacob Lind. We live together and make life hard for our other flatmates by creating music at inappropriate hours. Two bikes, one laptop, three microphones and a shameless use of other peoples instruments is the recipe for a Marching Band recording. We've have been writing songs together for 1.5 years now, and it is getting better and better.
Our music is (hopefully) dynamic, hum-worthy and witty. Lately the songs tend to go in unexpected directions. If our songs puts a smile on your face and makes your life a little less dull Marching Band has completed its mission.
When not recording Jacob is bidding on glockenspiels on internet auctions and Erik is trying to get some reading done without falling asleep.
You can buy our CD:s through
Please watch our first video diary from the first four days of touring South Africa!
Here's our second video diary. It includes breakdowns in the desert, live gig photage, well folded underware and electrical fences.
Here's our third and last video diary from our South Africa tour. It includes more live clips, different interviews and, at last, some really exotic animals!
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