Rebecca's Grave
Moncton, New Brunswick, CA
Artist / Band / Musician
Death Metal / Black Metal / Glam
Rebecca's Grave originally began in the spring of '06 with cousin's Aj Arsenault on guitar and Norm Robichaud on drums. After jamming for a few weeks they placed an online ad looking for band members. Soon after that ad was answered by Keegan McGregor who attended a jam and became the second guitar player. A mutual friend introduced the three to a bassist named Tom Follett, and shortly after entered Ryan Meisner on drums to complete the band. After about a month of jamming and having written three original tracks the band settled on the name From The Grave and went on to play their first show. Unsatisfied with the name, which was already being used by other bands to begin with, the name evolved to Rebecca's Grave. Through two and a half years of playing, Rebecca's Grave has played many many shows in their hometown of Moncton, and all over the east coast and Quebec, opening for bands such as Rotting Christ, Nargaroth, Martyr, Nefastus Dies, Fuck the Facts, Sordid and headlining many others. In mid 2008, the band had to part ways with original drummer Ryan Meisner who had to relocate. After a couple months of searching, they've recruited a few different drummers who just didn't seem to workout, and in the process lost Keegan, leaving them in 2009 on a new search for a new drummer and waiting to go on as a four piece, they were beginning to lose hope until they contacted former Neverdie drummer, Julien Gallant and set up a practice. So now with a new drummer and a hunger for the stage, they began having bassist issues, so in February 2009, bassist Kevin LeBlanc was recruited into the band to complete what is now the new Rebecca's Grave lineup. Returning to their fans with a serious hunger for the stage and recording/touring plans being sorted out, keep a lookout for Rebecca's Grave!
The name Rebecca's Grave originates from a local legend taking place in the 1800s. As the legend goes, Rebecca Lutes was a witch who was said to have killed and sacrificed farm animals. When she was caught and hung, she was buried and said to have soon after returned from the grave. The locals then burned her body and reburied her in a pine coffin, head down with four slabs of cement placed over it. If she ever came to life once again, she would dig her way to hell. It is said that a "ghost cat" is sometimes seen prowling around her grave, waiting for her return, and very many people have reported breakdowns,cold pockets and mysterious fog on the road at the gravesite. And the road itself is known to be very dangerous with countless deaths by accidents occurring on it still to this day.
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