PUBLISHED:  Feb 14, 2013

Little Fishes + Inside me There Is Nothing + Dance Music Late Night + All My Friends Are Dead Now + Smile .

Patrik Fitzgerald (born Patrick Joseph Fitzgerald, 19 March 1956, East London) is a singer-songwriter and an originator of folk punk. The son of working-class Irish immigrant parents, he began recording and performing during the punk rock movement in 1977, after working briefly as an actor.

Attila the Stockbroker, then just plain John Baine, first saw and heard Patrik Fitzgerald in the late 70s and was absolutely inspired by him. Fitzgerald's 'acoustic punk' style, his witty, perceptive and angry songs and the way he dealt with the obvious problems associated with being a small, vulnerable solo performer in a big, loud punk rock scene all made a huge impact!

When John started performing as Attila the Stockbroker in 1980, he and Fitzgerald did a load of gigs together for several years. Then they went their separate ways, Attila carrying on taking his poems and songs all over the world for over 30 years, Fitzgerald initially doing more gigs and more albums and eventually ending up in New Zealand, still writing some great songs, but not gigging that much.

All this changed on Fitzgerald's return to London last year. He's now doing stacks of gigs, mixing old favourites from the early EPs and that seminal 'Grubby Stories' album with excellent new material (his new album Subliminal Alienation has just been released).

After 30 years, Attila and Patrik Fitzgerald are touring together again - a contrast in styles they may be, but the underlying themes (intelligent stroppyness, a reluctance to be brainwashed, alienation from the 'enterprise culture') are the same.

Pionierende punk singer-songwriter Patrik Fitzgerald en radicale performance poet Attila the Stockbroker komen in februari 2013 naar Nederland. Patrik Fitzgerald, bekend van punkklassieker 'Safety Pin Stuck In My Heart' (1977), beïnvloedde vele muzikanten, waaronder sharp-tongued, high energy, social surrealist rebel poet and songwriter Attila the Stockbroker, met wie hij begin jaren tachtig regelmatig optrad.

Hoewel Patrik Fitzgerald de afgelopen jaren nog maar weinig live speelde, is daar kort geleden verandering in gekomen. Sinds kort treedt Patrik Fitzgerald weer regelmatig op en tourt hij als vanouds met Attila the Stockbroker, met onverminderde toewijding en energie. Live mixt Fitzgerald oude favorieten van de vroege EP's en zijn klassieke debuutalbum 'Grubby Stories' met materiaal van zijn onlangs verschenen nieuwe album 'Subliminial Alienation', dat niet onderdoet voor zijn vroege werk, terwijl Attila the Stockbroker kan putten uit dertig jaar materiaal, van klassieker 'Russians in the DHSS' tot Barnstormer-nummer 'This Is Free Europe'.

Ondanks hun verschil in stijl en geluid, komen de onderliggende thema's van de twee punklegendes overeen: intelligente koppigheid, onafhankelijk denken & do it yourself werken en vervreemding van de consumptiemaatschappij. Daarmee zijn de mannen anno 2013 onverminderd actueel.
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