Paradise Sin City, London and South East, UK
Artist / Band / Musician
Rock / Comedy / Punk
Where Do I Sign? Here? There?
Oki Dog loves sex.
Oki Dog is not a dog.
Oki Dog is your potion for rock n roll compulsion.
Oki Dog, now closed, was the "Home of the Oki Dog" (a flour tortilla wrapped around two hot dogs and filled with chili and cheese) was a thorn in the neighborhood's side because of its popularity amongst punk rockers during the early 1980s.
Oki Dog is Londons answer to Psychiatric Chic!
Oki Dog once played in a REAL toilet in London Fashion Week.
Oki Dog began at home of the pointy scuffed, Londons Trash(R.I.P).
Grace is the ear-bleeding lead singer and lyricist
First rule of Oki Dog: Everyone must come from different countries
Second rule of Oki Dog: It's only about having FUN!
Oki Dog shared gigs with:-
Dustin Bar Mitzvah, Twang, Neils Children,The Fucks, Nic Armstrong, Mikabomb, The Rocks, Martini Henry Rifles, Crack Village, Electric Eel Shock, Oceansize, Milk Teeth, thisGIRL, Ludes and the Roolettes.
Oki Dog is the brutal bitch.
"Great live band and songs with hooks!" -Tom, Kasabian
"Very good sound with the keys giving it a bit of b-movie glam. They seem like they'd be a lot of fun!" -Dirty Pretty Things
"Great looking band!" -Tommy Volume, Star Spangles
"They Raaawk!" -Electric Eel Shock
"Definitely one of Playlouders favourites! They rock!"
Adam Alphabet, features editor, Playlouder
"songs such as 'Anti-Disco" do the trick, causing an outbreak of grinning" -Artrocker
How to contact Oki Dog
Manager: Elizabeth Pavitt
Email: Elpavitt@aol.com
Mobile: 0771 409 7304
URL: www.myspace.com/okidogrules
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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