SOUTH France, Fr
Artist / Band / Musician
Punk / Psychedelic / Religious
in the red, rob's house, nasty, profet
Booking JOH : cecileboomusic@gmail.com
& jackofheart69@hotmail.com

Jarvis Cocker joue MARRY ME sur la BBC.
A environ 1h10min


Contact Managing JOH : jackofheart69@hotmail.com & Piero at jackofheartxxx@gmail.com
JOH are : Piero, Joole, Mathyos, ReNo
JOH Bio (english)
Here the last Piero Ilov's Jacinth House songs from his secret garden . lead Gogoman of The Lightning Circus Band & the boom boom beat (w/ former BoomBoomDrummer Pierre Baradel) 1991-95, then The Mighty GO-GO Players (introducing his very LIVE primitiv bloodystyle of vox organ "playing")1996-99 then 2001-05, showed to people his the region (south France) what's the meaning of "Eat the Stage", and "SongWriting". Recording a bunch of 7" and 10" for different great bands (like Sonic chicken 4-2005, 2008; The Fatals-2004, 2005, 2006; The Mighty Go Go Players-2004, 2005, 2006, the Creteens-2006; Kung Fu Escalators-2006; The rebel-2005; etc) for different great labels around the world (Yakisakana, Robshouse, Nasty Product, Alien snatch, Zaxxon, Cass, etc .Ilov knows how to bring you from the most naïve rolling feelings, throught pshyche-fuzz sounds, to the trashest punk energy with his evil own style recordings and mixings. Playing bass with the fatals-2005-06 and playing electric piano and organ with the Demon's Claws-2006-08, he might have few LP to record as much he got songs done in those past 8 years the Jack Of Heart might inherite. Coming back from the 6 weeks summer06 US tour Demons Claws W/ Mark Sultan's amazing BBQ (last tour as BBQ), Trux, (drums) benji (guit) and alsexo lafissur could play bass understanding the "Fissur" Side of Piero's songs, . This would be the first line up after have tried few times in the past years with some "bestfriends" and "girlfriends" unsuccesfully . Piero could, finally form, the first chapitre of Jack Of Heart, and put all the Mighty Go Go Players Raw60'sGaragePunkFuzz songs Aside (that dropped essence and influence in bands like Movie Star Junkies, and a bunch of bands all over France, Europe & more), making life to the ones he didnt give to the Go-Go Players, continuing writing numbers.; the gates of dreams are open by now, this project is the last one he says he wants to do, something deep and wide like blowminded sounds coming from the VU, Rolling Stones, 13th floor Elevators, Syd Barrett, Stooges, Lyres, Oblivians, Gibson brothers and much more, puting the own jack of heart's touch in the very special Piero's own Songwriting (gave birth to actual bands . some of tracks are pure Jack Of HEart or Demon's Claws Or Jay reatard or BlacklipsSStuff pure rip-offs, those bands are precursor of the ROCK of TODAYs 2005-2015 - or/and many similar bands playing in the garage underground world. That's where Piero scores ! : Respecting his influences without "creating" rip-offs !!! :). now everybody can listen to it. enjoy the listening, come to their shows, and you ll promote one of the best "Rock for mamas & Lesbians" of all the time. at least that what they showed one their few european tours with Tunnel of love (unknow punk ref that Piero brought to european and US ears !) jan07 and apr08, and oct 08USA tour, and nov08 with Best Friends The Magnetix (powerful and live stage band again) . Godfathered by the BLack Lips and King khan (again two scene references!), ".Piero is in the Death Cult family what blood is to the death mess, one of best songwriter ever ." waachout Jack Of Heart's next LPs. when we ask him about their debut LP on Born Bad records out next fall 09, he's answering that ".next one might hopefully beready for chrismassxxx, let 's see if it takes 3years again to put it out, while songs for the 3rd and 4th LPs are aaaaalready since a pretty while ." Just go buy them in every good recordstore near your place (nota/ lyrics are still poetry about girls, feelings , love, death, blood, woman's death, women, women, women, life, love, women, ect . same ol' shit;, philosophy, hypocrisy, meta-physism, erotism, romance, politic .) and check their myspace looking for where you can go see'em live spring09 - Few Member went thru , while summer 09 till fall2010 (playing several shows around Europe, opened for King Khan & the shrines in UK Vice Tour, (scotland, Ireland, Netherlands, belgium), and JOH USA tour, hard times for Piero's crew but JOH team stays stand up!) While forming the Spector Drum Section (with a bunch of friends drummers) the revolution was finally done -solid JOH crew/team/family (adding bit piano/organ needed, in jack of heart's sessions , Julien Legagneur._Joolos_ on drums + Renaud Picard.(playing in garage and rockin bands from Catalunya), travested by Jack Of Heart _ into Renée, on guitar . And finally The last Funny and Chaotic touch added to JOH is named Gamer on bass!(doing sound Lives of JOH since a year) * for great AMAZING SOLIDS awesome (. line-ups.scotched fucked stringed&wired attached- spring 2010 ready to keep your mind up for a while, smiling and dreaming earing joh's melodies & powerfull sounds. 2nd Album coming out by spring 2011 ! dont miss a show, buy their records !- coming from deep in you brain if you still got one-O.K. ---
JOH Bio (français)
Jack Of Heart est résolument un groupe rock . psyché-punk certes, aux sonorités sixties, aussi . Sous les compositions de Piero Ilov, nous découvrons enfin un des rares groupes qui sort de : "vous avez écouté un morceaux = vous les avez tous écouté" : ici, ce n'est pas le cas.
De morceaux mid-tempo, mélodieux, tendre et envoutant, Jack of Heart peut passer à des
morceaux trash, fuzz speed et violent.
Eté 2006, Piero Ilov (alors encore membre actif de The Demon's Claws -sulfureux groupe de rock Montréal/Québec- et rentrant d'une tournée de 6 semaines aux USA) décide de former ce project , Jack Of Heart, né des cendres des précédentes "actions" (The Migthy Go-Go Players, The Fatals).
Il compose alors tous les morceaux qui sommeillaient en lui depuis des années, sans vraiment coller aux univers de ces derniers groupes. Jack Of Heart innove (et là est l'exploit !), parvenant à une
subtile combinaison de divers styles : Velvet Underground, Lee Hazlewood, Syd Barrett, Bassholes, Lyres, Oblivians, et plus; Sans tomber dans le plagia, ayant son identité propre et sa propre identité.
Depuis, 3 tours d'Europe (dont 2 avec le groupe Raw-punk de Boston, Massachusetts, Tunnel Of Love, et un avec les fabuleux MAGNETIX) et un tour aux Etats-Unis, plus quelques petits tours "commando" (France, Italie) ont fait connaître Jack Of Heart comme une référence rock en France, comme en Europe et dans le Monde [dixit- The Black Lips (déjà des légendes du rock vivantes), King Khan (de même, déjà inscrit dans l'histoire du rock rythm'n blues), In The Red (prestigieux label californien), The Magnetix (meilleur groupe rock français), etc etc].
Après une poignée de 45t sur différents labels, c'est donc finalement Born Bad Records qui aura eu l'honneur de sortir leur premier LP/CD à la rentrée septembre 2009. Leur Compil LP/CD de tous les 45t signe comme un 1er Album bis, Comme quoi , c 'est pas par hazard qu'elle est tombée cette perle de 1er Album S/T , Mais le Vrai 2nd Album sortira courant 2011, crevera les esprits j'espere a tout jamais .
Ce sont des disques à avoir, c'est groupe à voir en concert! Attention ! ça va chahuter !!! . -(O.K. Booking/Managing)

BIO members:
Jean Poneylio II (van) since jan2007
Agnes "Aggy" Magnetix (Velvet setp'n bass) nov 08
Kram (papa, driver 2006-07-08)
Wlad (drums) may 09

Trux (drums) jul2006-dec08
Ben (guit) spring06-jan09
Alsexo (fissur bass) summer06-summer07/09
Malone (guit) fall09
Thanks to Wlad, Nico SC4, Zitoune,Moomool,Thanks to JBwizzz Born Bad Records et ELZO ( et Agnes B), Thanks to (Association 1901) PROFETRECORD production (c) profetrecord@gmail.comExperimentation (2010-2011 project):
Roussillon Research Laboratory of Space Drums (RRLSD) - (Julien, Zitoun, Pierre, Wlad, piero .)
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