Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Paris, FR
Artist / Band / Musician
Rock / Indie / Pop
"Un rock malin et fougeux, des concerts de plus en plus convaincants, quelques titres prometteurs" MAGIC!

"Qu'ont'ils de plus que les autres.des amis célébres, un nom qui claque, emprunté au polar jouissif de Shane Black ou des pistons gros comme des maisons? Non: tout cela constitue les cerises croquantes posées sur le cheesecake!" ROLLINGSTONE MAGAZINE

" One of the hottest bands straight from France. This parisien quartet will inject a series jolt of rock and indie with a twist into london scene". TIME OUT LONDON

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

When last encountered, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang were a 4-piece French killer rock/pop band that had enlightened the scene of Parisian venues for the past three years. Reviews were all adamant: the guys knew how to play. Maturity helped them craft songs which made their way through local/national radios and popularity mixed with a little flavor of hype had established one fact: both style AND substance prevailed in their music and stage performances.

2008 was unfortunately the year when the dam broke. The tidal wave swept all plans of a well-set future and left its two founding members, Frank and Faez, reeling in disbelief. Now a duolithic experience, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang are back. And their taste of blood is limitless. The music itself has been stripped down to the rawest necessities: cojones paired with a good sense of taste. Guitars and drums with a subtle touch of electronica. Summing up all their influences proves to be a mind-boggling chore: As Dynamo-drummer Faez laconically puts it: "I'm influenced by anything that wouldn't influence my work". Nevertheless, what best describes their music is melody juxtaposed with experimentation: from the pioneering sessions of the Beatles' Revolver to the quest of narcotic bliss encountered in Blur's "13", from the first electronic yearnings of post-punk apocalyptic band Suicide to the playful sonic musings heard on MGMT, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang are a treat to the ears of the noise-driven pop cognoscenti.

But talk is cheap. You got to see them play, that's what it's all about. A typical Kiss Kiss Bang Bang show is laden with the same hallmarks: blistered fingers, blaxploitation machismo, suaver-than-fuck lyrics, urban class and total mayhem. Believe us, ladies and gentlemen, when we tell you that these guys are the remedy to all the teenage cry-baby poseur hair-bands who have just picked up a guitar on their 16th birthday and who compensate their lack of musicianship with a pair of skinny-fit jeans and a worthless display of high-school bravado. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang mount on stage all guns blazing. They're the real McCoys. And they're so fucking good-looking . Dig them now, baby.

Sunset Boulevard's hip rock clubs might still be far ahead on the road, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang's fresh and inspiring sound already makes the band one of the most promising acts on the new french rock scene.
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