hotpants romance

Manchester, UK
Artist / Band / Musician
Pop / Other
Big Print/Happy Happy Birthday To Me
These are some things people have said about us!

“Hotpants Romance are easily my perfect band this year or any other.” Everett True, Plan B Magazine

“Hotpants Romance - a band so utterly, mind-blowingly amazing that you really have to hear them to understand, mere words can't do them justice” Rachael Neiman, Cherryade Records/Dandelion Radio

“So far, so awfully good” Village Voice, New York

“Hotpants Romance are simply wonderful.”

“Why are this band not absolutely fucking massive? Come on NME, you're slacking.” Cath Aubergine,

“Ragged, rough-hewn and unruly they might be, but Hotpants Romance are true rough musical diamonds who can shine without needing to be over-polished and are making a very convincing bid to be Manchester’s greatest ever girl group.” David Sue, Manchester Evening News

The vocals are brattish, the riffs are infectious and the drumming is insistent. Give'em an ASBO?, no siree!, give'em a record contract and a slot on Jools Holland I'd like to see him try and 'boogie woogie' along to this!”

"You girls are going to be massive. and if you aren't you should be" Big Dave
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