PUBLISHED: Nov 30, 2014
STOP PRESS! FEBRUARY 2016. BY FAR THE BEST LUBRICANT FOR EMBOSSING ON POLYCARBONATE HAS TURNED OUT TO BE WD-40. WHY DIDN'T WE THINK OF TRYING IT SOONER? In this video, we use a 70-year-old disc cutting machine, somewhat modified, to make 78 rpm records on polycarbonate plastic.More information on the machine, the recording styli &c. may be found at . While most of our recent YouTube videos have been more or less ad hoc, this one is the result of several months considered research & collaboration with my friend Mike Thomas, and tribute must above all be made to the many people who have already made disc recording machines, usually scratch-built, which record on polycarbonate plastic. This is most often done on scrap CDs and DVDs, and at 45 rpm or 33 rpm, and, amazingly, in stereo! Thanks to their work, our task was made easier, as we record only in mono, at 78 rpm, and on 10" (25cm) polycarbonate discs, on a machine that already exists. May increasing success reward their efforts!