Funeral Dress

Artist / Band / Musician
Punk / Rock
SOS records
What began in 1985 as an effort to bring some life in the almost dead Belgian punkscene has evolved into one of the longest lasting bands in their genre. 7 studio albums, 1 dvd, 10 US Tours, tons of shows around Europe, and they 're still here.
Late 1986, early '87 Funeral dress recorded 5 songs for a demo and released their first single "army life". It was a very basic 4-track recording but it layed out the groundworks for numerous future releases. After this release the band got more and more gigs and started to build up a following. In 1990 they released their first full-length album 'Free Beer For The Punx '. This album contains some classics, such as Sex, Drugs and Rock'n Roll, The pogo never stops, I'm in love with OI and the sing-a-long title track.
During the nineties, they played more and bigger shows with bands like GBH, The Exploited, Sham 69, X Ray Spex and many more. They also released their 2nd album " Songs about sex, beer and punkrock" and did their first us tour in 1998.
In 2000 they launched their 3rd album 'party Political Bullshit' followed by another us tour with their good friends The Casualties, The Virus and Endless Struggle. In 2001 their 4th studio album ' A way of life' got released, Promoted by numerous gigs all over Europe and another US Tour in 2002.
By the end of 2002 some new members joined the band. This line up proved to be the most productive ever and is still together 11 years later. The first single off the new line up "Party On" became an instant hit on Belgium's national radio and stayed in the charts for 18 weeks. Ensuring them lots of gigs all over Belgium, Europe, Russia and the USA. (Shared the stage with Simple minds, Deep purple, and many more) From 2002 on the current line up released 3 studio Albums: 'Come On Follow' (2004), 'Hello From The Underground' (2006) and 'Global Warning' (2009). They Made an appearance in 2 movies: 'Ex Drummer' and 'Punk's not dead the movie' and reached the Belgian charts several times after 'Party on. In 2013 they will release their 8th studio album.
After 28 years funeral dress is a still alive and kicking and ready to rock your town! So book us now!
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