Fire on Fire

Artist / Band / Musician
Young God Records
TIME TAKE IT´S TOLL ON SOME AND OTHERS TAKE TIME AND CRAM IT, TWIST IT, USE IT FOR LOVELY PRODUCTION. WE ARE THOSE WHO WILL NOT STAND DOWN. STILL UNSURE, BUT SURE OF OUR UNSURITY WE REVEAL OUR HEARTS TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. SO… YE WHO READS, LIFT YOUR EARS TO THE NEWSEST INCARNATION OF A SOUL BODY BELONGING TOGETHER. YEARS IN THE CHALLENGED MAKING, WE FRIENDS/FAMILY ARE SEPARATE IN OUR TOGETHERNESS AND WE DOUBLE SPEAK AS THAT´S THE ONLY WAY TO SPEAK. SO ENOUGH… THIS WHAT GIRA HAS TO SAY… ¨I'm damned pleased to be able to offer here a special YGR website-only 5 song EP by the fantastic group of singers/players called Fire On Fire. They used to be the art-punk-prog-chaos collective Cerberus Shoal, but they ditched their electric instruments, went into hiding for a while, and now play all acoustic… upright bass, banjo, harmonium, accordion, acoustic guitar etc etc, and they all sing and harmonize on the songs. Live, they do it ¨old school¨ and just use two mics placed in front of them on the stage, like a bluegrass band. They all live in the same house up in Maine, across from rusting green oil tanks, apparently. To me they sound like a backwoods, fierce, psychedelic ¨Mamas And The Papas¨ or a crazed and vengeful gospel string band. They´re great people and I love their music. It´s all acoustic, but it´s not in the least folky. More old-timey incantations - American music with excellent words and performed with the honed violence of intent that truly great music requires. They're a total blast live. They just recently played my back porch actually and it was one of the best live music experiences I´ve had in years¨.

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