Artist / Band / Musician
Techno / House / Electronica
Clink, Dumb Unit, Auralism, Made To Play, Infant.
PLAYKULA - (Danni) danni@playkula.com
"Clap Back" EP w/ Ekkohaus Remix [Metroline]
"Encounters" EP [Rrygular]
"Jazzy Caravan" V/A EP [Apparel]
RM02 EP [Retro Metro]
"Fxck Cuba EP" w/ Ahmet Sisman rmx[Dumb Unit]
"Chi-cago" (w/ jason short) [Front]
"Cup of coffee" [Auralism]
"Ashes to Matches" [Air Drop]
"Snorting Pinky EP" w/ Justin Maxwell rmx[Auralism]
"King of Pong" [Thema]
"Birds EP" [Dumb-Unit]
"Noose" EP [Clink]
"Radio Engine" EP" [Clink]
"Tamingo" w/ Rekliener remix [Infant]
"Movin' In" w/ Riton Remix [Made To play]
"Reflection" w/ DJ Ali & Taimur remix [Spinifex]
Billy Johnston - "Space" (Elon's Remix) [Sleaze]
Exercise one - (Elon & JP Caulfield remix) [Dumb Unit]
Attemporal -"Hanna" (Elon's Remix) [Microfreak]
Eda - "Consolidation" (Elon's Remix) [SmallRoom]
Jason Patrick - "Tooth N Nail" (Elon's Remix) [Klectik]
Donor/Truss - "Watson" (Elon's remix) [Dilek]
Rio Padice - "Secret Spot" (Elon's Remix) [Popnorama]
Mike Wall - Los Pagos (Elon's Remix) [metroline]
Redj - Control the Uncontrollable (Elon's remix) [Swap]
The Horrorist & Miro Pajic - Blueprint (Elon's remix) [Lazerslot]
Roman Stange - "Paratroupr" (Elon's remix) [Auralism]
Billy Delassandro - "Are you there" Elon's remix [Siteholder]
Tim Xavier - "Deception de real" Elon's remix [Clink]
Segeke - "Deeper Side" Elon's remix [Arabica]
Dilo - "Iceberg And A Caribou" (Elon's Remix) [Igloo]
"The Time" EP [Fresh Meat]
"Bummalo" EP w/ Maceo Plex [Re:Solute]
tba EP [Dumb Unit]
Rift - "The Albatross"(Elon's remix) [Vellum]
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