Dina Regine

New York, New York, US
Artist / Band / Musician
Folk Rock / Rock / Pop
divadiva music
Welcome to my little internet loft (I always wanted a loft), so a loft it will be. virtual will do just fine for now. Here's all the places I dwell: my homepage WWW.DINAREGINE.COM, MYSPACE.COM/NAKED GRAPE (my band in the 90s), for my DJ work, WWW.DJDINAREGINE.COM. As some of you may know, I have a passion for photography and I've recently been putting up some of my photo moments on Flickr. I'd love for you to visit and have a look at what I've been up to lately, I've been VERY busy! http://www.flickr.com/photos/divadivadina/. Perhaps I should just have one page and call it mylife.com? But for now, glad you made it here, have a drink, have a listen, read a blog, eat a pizza . and hang for awhile. Cheers!
Ps: The song BEAUTIFUL won first place in the Folk category of the VH-1 Save the Music Song of the Year Awards. It can be found on my first CD 'Be as it Will'. ***
CDs available on iTunes, CD Baby, Amazon, Rhapsody, etc.
"Roots music with a modern twist" PERFORMING SONGWRITER MAGAZINE
"One of the most promising female artists I've heard in many a year" RELIX MAGAZINE
"Moody, soulful and introspective" MUSIC CONNECTION
"Regine has a bluesy, cool-as-ice vocal delivery" MINOR 7TH
"Regine strums and soars with thrilling skill" AQUARIAN ARTS WEEKLY
"Sinks in deeply with repeated play. Think of sitting around on a summer night with a light breeze, a drink in your hand, no worries, and you'll get the idea" NY ROCK.
"Dina Regine is skilled at belting out a bluesy bellow" HOT PRESS ***************************************************************
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