Artist / Band / Musician
Rock / Classic Rock / Acoustic
Legend Records/ RockRidge Music New York
Hi there, welcome to the Dare page. My name is Darren Wharton, lead singer/songwriter…and more recently producer. I started my musical career playing keyboards with Thin Lizzy and Phillip Lynott. They were great days, I was just seventeen when I joined, and as you can imagine, it was one hell of an introduction to the music business.
Over the last ten years I've been concentrating all my musical efforts on Dare .If your not familiar with our music, I like to think we have a unique sound, atmospheric and profound with Celtic overtones. If your into heavy metal, chances are you won't like Dare.
I'm proud of what we've accomplished as a band. Only a couple of years ago we managed to get our single 'White Horses' playlisted on BBC Radio 2 by Terry Wogan….Which really helped raise the bands profile in th UK. We play Europe regularly, Germany, Scandinavia, Italy….and we generally have a blast.
At the moment I'm working on a new album' Seven' with my long time friends and colleagues Richie Dews and Vinny Burns. Richie and Vinny are great guitarists ….Richie and also has a great voice. Kevin Whitehead is a top drummer from Manchester… And Marc my mate, generally looks after us, making sure we get lost on the way to gigs…. Only kidding Marc.lol.

Please feel free to check out some of our tracks, Cheers my friends….take care God bless.
Darren Wharton x

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