Artist / Band / Musician
DAMMERUNG was founded in 2001.
Musicians united under the name of Dammerung for realization of their own ideas and musical materials. A main accent was done for the creation of worthy Black Metal.
During the year of 2003 with the first line-up was recorded the debut EP "Follow Your Own Shadow", later self-released on CD. In 2006 album was rereleased through "EOLP productions" (Germany) on MC (EOLP 036).
During the springtime of 2004 VATHAR (guitars) has joined DAMMERUNG and band started working on new materials for the second album.
With the current line-up DAMMERUNG works on their new album, the codename of which is "Black Arrows Of Hatred".
In the 2005 the band presented for the TERRORIZER magazines 21 compilation their own song "Follow Your Own Shadow", from the same-titled album.
Dammerung participated in Ukrainian Black Metal Compilation CARPATHIAN MIGHT vol.1 (Black Art productions/Gallicia distribution 2006 ©) . Old version of song HAND OF DOOM (raw demo) was presented for this compilation.
Winter 2007 - "Black Arrows Of Hatred" album is finally released by EastSide records and available for the masses on CD.
Summer 2008 - "Black Arrows Of Hatred" released in Mexico EXCLUSIVELY for SOUTH AMERICAN MARKET ONLY
- May 2010 - "Dark Poetry", 3rd album, finally recorded and mastered.
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