Groove Pocket - Theatre Crisp (Official Music Video) - Video
PUBLISHED:  Nov 14, 2013
Directed by: Derrick Glen
Cinematography by: Ryan Skursky
Produced by: Adam Carter

A huge thanks goes out to the owner and staff of the Can-view Drive in Theatre for the use of their facility.

Groove Pocket is the next single off of Theatre Crisps's new album that will be released in early 2014. This song is for the people caught up in the everyday struggle...who are in need of a change in their lives that will send them in the right direction. We're just using the music for a little get in, when we wana get out! #funkyfreshheads

You can also grab their first Album Modern Daze on iTunes, Become a fan on Facebook at, or visit their website at for all things Crispy. Stay tuned for many more adventures!
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