Coal Beautiere

Ghost City, California, US
Artist / Band / Musician
Acousmatic - Tape music / Showtunes / Indie
we just plain old love music
I started playing piano at age 6, and through my teen years I performed (acting and singing) in many dorky high school and community musicals. But it took years to figure out the courage to get on the stage with MY OWN music and lyrics, it's the scariest thing I've ever done but now I masochistically like it. One of my goals is to prove that age doesn't matter when it comes to making art. I want to play shows when I'm 90.

Art and I met in Nevada City in 2004 and Art was completely encouraging of my scrappy ragtime-ish ghost jingles. I needed a hand on stage. Hence, our little duo was born. We formed Coal Beautiere in 2006.

Currently we are working on a new album, In The Wake Of ESP, to be released sometime in 2010. sorry we know it's been pushed back like 10,000 times but we have been busy doing things like.drinking beer.

We live in the mountains of California, and like to feel the old rowdy ghosts of miners creeping through the streets at night. I (adrienne) try to write fragments of the Golden Old West into our songs. But I also write of my obsessions for all things weird and mysterious, magic, Louisiana, swimming and runnin' through the wild, true love, being a teenager in the 80's, and my total gratitude for being alive. Coal Beautiere is inspired by the desert, the forest in which we dwell, 80's music especially the GOOD SHIT, Coast To Coast AM, and panning for gold. I believe in making art and music that inspires other people to get in love with their own lives. And to be kind to others. I like people, alot. I especially like the misfit kinds of people. Like in that old Rudolph cartoon.

Thanks for the true hearts who use kindness daily. Coal Beautiere (the name) has it's origins from a road trip to the truth of Lafayette, Louisiana and means "TREASURE ONLY WHAT IS REAL AND CAN WITHSTAND TIME". We know, despite the cynics, that we WILL change the world by increasing our love. Love conquers all. And so it goes.

If you would like our album Fight Your Broken Heart and Fly, it is available at the link below.

On more important notes, some quotes by some smarty-pants people like-

Tom Waits:

Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends.

Edward Abbey:

Us nature mystics got to stick together.

A pessimist is simply an optimist in full possession of the facts.

And Jack Kerouac:

The only ones for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time.

Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.

And by us, the infamous coal beautiere:

Them grandparents had another think coming.


Treat others with honor and respect, all others, the earth, all life.

Another way to buy our album "Fight Your Broken Heart and Fly" via Paypal Please expect a week for delivery in the US up to 2 weeks outside of the US depending on how long Customs takes to check item

A life lived in fear is a life half-lived.

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