Casey Reid

Artist / Band / Musician
Rock / Blues / Acoustic
Big Muddy Records
bellowing madness through the foot of a monster, we have constructed terifying hallways on hallowed ground. Harrowing isn't it.
i am a sinner. Elohiym's fingers lay heavy upon the marked: both holy and un. Under the play of the pagans, blood runs like water on the stage of the saints and everybody's drunk. Overflowing, the cup of the Holy Spirit emphatically waits out the psychosexual rewards of the occult, holding fast to the New World Order. And yes, Jesus is the Christ. Oh, how His followers weep for the blind at first hand knowledge. For they themselves beat their chest's coffer, in hopes to offer repentance for grace. Laughter surrounds the tears of their mind, bleeding words straight to the ear of the scoffers'. Yet, Christ is Love: Worship Him, for Michael (who is like God) is the only question in all of eternity with no answer. For time is running off into the pits of hell and Christ is coming from the dust of God's feet to raise the quick and the dead ---- To raze death unto itself.
Don't forget about different dimensions and figure the bounds of humanity within its limitations, including those who hold the secrets to conjour such dimensions. Some people have gone where others can't.Take my word for it: Jesus is EVERYTHING in the Infinate and all between, amongst the lovely gesture of free will.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A quick hellfire precaution from the base of Mount Zion.
I released Cephalclog 2006 in the year of our Lord: Cerebral vomit from a twisted soul. i will write again.Lord willing
hellacious supermodels in heaven - prelude to Apocolypse. this is my newest concoction, spewed forth from the loins of my 4track machine. i will be selling this at upcoming beware.this beast is a monster!
beware o curse, return to thee - and to the city i say, babel on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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