BANDAGE! - The Rock Opera

HOLLYWOOD, California, US
Artist / Band / Musician
Rock / Comedy / Alternative
Pi Gamma Records
I tried to make this site look interesting with somebody else's program! The idea behind "BANDAGE!.The Rock Opera" was simple"Why be in a band of 4 or 5 members when we could be in a band of 35?" And so it starteda call to this friend, an email to that onewhoever was into it, we wrote them a part! And so it beganthe Pi Gamma tradition known as "BANDAGE!.The Rock Opera"

We've played the House of Blues, The Key Club, The Roxy, The Gigmany, many showsThru the year's the players, singers, dancers, and actors have slid in and out of the project.sometimes parts are exchanged between cast members, while new players also continue to stream in, and then there are those that have never missed a performance. Each performer is encouraged to bring a piece of themselves to their "part" and therefore, the show is constantly developing, always evolving and consistantly exploring.

In the winter of 2003, Sheila E. opened up her "BLUE 52" studio to the project, and the musical work was recorded. All kinds of professional musicians showed up to lend a hand (including Sheila herself) and the result is available on cdbaby at and and on iTunes at
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