Angela Latham

Los Angeles and Vancouver, British Columbia, CA
Artist / Band / Musician
R&B / Acoustic / Pop
Chime Records
Greetings dear souls. I've been remiss with my myspace happenings. Its been rather a snore, I know. But the past is the past. Get over it.

And all the millions of people shout - "Dear Angela, but WHEN is your new album coming out?' The answer to that you see - is a multiple of three, carved into a tree, rolling down a river with a crack and a quiver. Alas. I couldn't say - at least not for sure; not on this day. It could happen perhaps, when one of you chaps gets the gumption to make a valid assumption - Angela's new record is piecing together, regardless of the fact that its taking forever. If you're dying to hear it and you want to get near it, send me a check, I'll be happy clear it - and you will be giddy and feeling much looser, now that you are an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER!!! Oui? Mais, OUIII.!

So instead of something new, I give you something old. Its one of the first songs I ever wrote and I love it - out of tune as it is and when I could barely play guitar. Its called 'it doesn't take much' and its still very much me.

Besides that. well you know, I'm Canadian. That's always a good thing. I've done some brilliant things in my life time like saving kittens, and birds with broken wings. (But don't trust me with your goldfish, not a good idea.) Oh, and once I beat-up a bully, even if he WAS smaller than me, but he was eating somebody else's sandwich and he deserved a good smack. You see? An upstanding citizen, a server of justice.

And other great news - I just got my California license! Thank GASH! I know you're all as relieved as I am - driving with no license or insurance for the past four years has been a real stress on my family and friends! Luckily, I'm a wiz at photoshop and will be able to easily airbrush all of their gray hairs in our upcoming town photos.

Besides that, if you really really want all my boring credits - like being on the David Letterman show and the plethora of famous producers who are sending me love letters. check out my site. Its all there except for my latest singing recital for God on Thursday. It went great. He said my pipes are as bell-ish as the day I was born. And that I should quit smoking. Whatever. Gawdddd!!

On that note (I believe it was an F sharp) I bid you farewell and invite you to linger on my page and admire the background image. (It was technically an illegal photo-shoot as we were not willing to buy into the whole 'permit' thing. Come ON, give me a break!! Carousels are for dreamers and I should be allowed to capture the dream on film if I want.) And - listen to my new, old song and send me a note. I like F sharp very much.

PS: I promise the new album will be beautiful. it IS mostly there, tracks laid, ditties played. Just needs some mixing, mastering and maybe a little more cowbell.

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