Band alergija datira iz davne '94, kada se par klinaca odlucilo skupiti na jedno mjesto i svirkom si olakšati ratne dane. Do '96 se glazbeno traže, te tada snimaju svoj prvi demo snimak pod nazivom "ALERGIJA"koji je izazvao poprilicne reakcije na tadašnjoj demo sceni, što je došlo kao savršen vjetar u leda i motivacija za snimanje, kako sami kažu, prvog pravog oi albuma u HR.
Album "CETVRTI STALEŽ"izlazi na kaseti i LP-u godinu dana kasnije i tad bend pocinje svirati punom parom. Nakon tri godine urnebesnih koncerata, festivala i turneja bend se u svojoj 7oi godini postojanja, prestaje sa javnim radom. Razlog je bio zasicenje, obiteljski život i razne obaveze clanova benda na koje su nailazili u godinama svog odrastanja.nitko nije ni slutio da ce to samo biti poduža pauza jer se bend vraca na scenu '04 godine povodom proslave 10 godina od okupljanja benda.i odluka je pala!!!
U malo izmnjenjenoj postavi band ponovo pocinje sa aktivnim radom i snima singlove "DALMATINSKA" i "BOLJI SVIJET", koji svojevrsno najavljuju i treci album "GLOBALNO ZATOOPLJENJE" koji izlazi '09 godine.
u proteklom vremenu izmedu '04te i '09te godine nanizalo se mnogo koncerata širom HR, i prostora ex. YU, festivala, nekoliko turneja, nastup uživo na HTV2 i za istaknuti je da je bend nastupao rame uz rame sa velikanima poput HLADNOG PIVA, KUD IDIJOTA, ATHEIST RAP, ANGELIC UPSTARTS, UK SUBS, PPTB, SHAM 69.itd
The Band"Alergija" was born back in 1994,when a couple of kids decided to get together to make the war time a bit more bareable by creating ear pleasing punk tunes filled with lyrics to get their point of view across.It didnt take long to establish their sound and their first demo comes out in 1996 named"Alergija"(alergy)which immediatelly scored reactions on the existing scene.This gave the band the wings to fly and motivated them further,to which they alone say was,quote"The first Oi punk album in Croatia"The album"Cetvrti Stalez"(the forth grade of society)comes out on audio tape and LP a year later and this gives "Alergija" a huge stepping stone and they begin to perform.After 3 years of amazing music career and numerous of concerts and festivals around the country,after providing true Croatian punk sound to its faithful audience,in their 7th year of exsisting, the band retires.The reason behind this is simply the goal has been achieved,life took over,family ties,each of the band members took on their personal life paths.none of them realizing this was just a break.
Year 2004 is the year Alergija reborns.They celebrate a decade of their existance,a reuinon if you wish,the creative juices start to flow again and before you know it,the band is back in the game.This time in a different layout, member wise,they create singles suck as"Dalmatinska"(Dalmatian)and "Bolji svijet"(better world)which results in an album named"Globalno zatoopljenje"( Idea of Global warming, a word parody where a word "zatoopljenje"describes dumbness)released in 2009.
All this being said, it is best to get your verdict on this unique Mediterranean street punk band that had polished their sound over the decade,performing live on HTV(Croatian television channel)performing within the "walls" of the ex Yugoslavia,blossomed on the grounds of the motherland Croatia, rubbing shoulders with established names of the similair calibre such as"Hladno Pivo","Kud Idioti","Atheist rap","Angelic upstars","UK Subs","PPTB","Sham 69","Vibrators".
Have a listen and give us your thoughts!