PUBLISHED: Dec 30, 2011
AHURA: Sufis Vision
Original interpretations of Sufi dance music. The compositions awaken inner joy and lead toward ecstatic dance that incites healing and meditation.
1 - Omar Khayyam
2 - Mirage
3 - Dervish Dance
4 - Flow
5 - Bahar Spring
6 - Allah Hu Joy
Some information about AHURA and Mohammad Eghbal
His vision is for music to act a universal language in order to communicate between people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. He sees sound and music as a path that may enable people to grasp the underlying essence of things, without imposing a cultural or religious doctrine. Mohammad's music and compositions are inspired by the poetry of eastern mistics, especially by Mevlana Djellaledin Rumi.
The group AHURA has been founded By Mohammad Eghbal and is in existence for about 15 years. His message emphazises the connective elements between cultures, different religions and ethinc groups and tries to convey this by integrating traditional iranian sound structures with new sound elements, like Saxofon, african Kora, bohemian Harp and middle eastern/indian percussion.
Mohammad Eghbal himself plays various instruments and has had a good look at many of them in the course of his life. But the most important means of expression is his voice, with which he performs and impovises mystical texts, accompanied by the almond-shaped oriental oud and the Persian reed-flute Ney.
Mohammad was born in Theharan as son of a publisher who published books about poetry, philosophy and mysticism. While he was still at school, one morning he met a dervish, playing on his NEY/reed-flute and singing verses of the persian mystic Rumi. This left a deep impression on him and the yearning for this attitude towards life always remained deep in his mind.
Since then Mohammad has developped a quite high mastery of this demanding instrument found throughout the Arab, Turkish and Persian world. In all its simplicity it is one of the most perfect of all wind instruments. Mohammad did many concerts as a solo artist, were part of many cross-over-projects (recently the Bombay-Festival invited by the great indian Sarangi-player Ustad Sultan Khan) all over the world (USA, Europe, India) together with his wife and many other musicians with different cultural backgrounds.