Artist / Band / Musician
Metal / Thrash / Classic Rock
Acacia Entertainment
After taking charge of his music career in 1998 guitarist JD Bradshaw has recorded three instrumental rock guitar cds on his own independent record label "Acacia Entertainment".The four releases are "Caught in the act"/ "The Essence of Existence / "3rd Time Around"/ "Waiting At The Finish Line".His hard work and dedication has brought forth music product endorsements,airplay & interviews on Internet & FM radio stations,news paper articles,live performance opportunities,cd distribution & cd reviews from around the world.Some of JD's instrumentals have been heard on Direct TV's "Metal Channel"/ Dee Snider's "House Of Hair" radio commercial / "Rogg TV" videos / The 2006 Spring Break episode of "Date My Mom"(MTV Reality Show) / Emperor Multimedia cd-roms "The Polishing Of Metal & The Recorded History Of Heavy Metal"/ Versailles Records "Race Track Rock Volume 1,2 and 3" cd compliation / Quintessence Webzine cd compliations / Bandsbackstage cd compliationsHe is an established solo artist,a private guitar instructor in his local area and performs live in working bands as much as possible.Endorsements: Mental Metal / Hot Picks USA / Sfarzo / Godlyke Dist.Inc / Big Bends LLC / PRS Guitars / Hardwire Pedals /Digitech Pedals and writes a music column called JD's Riff Notes for Wild Child MagazineHe is currently the lead guitarist in "The Debbie Caldwell Band" based out of Delaware *The main purpose for JD's myspace music page is to create a repository of information for his fans and to get his music out to everyone from the most supportive to the merely curious! For more detailed information on his rocking music career of 30 years visit his official website at Acacia_Entertainment.tripod.com or do an internet search for JD Bradshaw
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