
Zagreb, Cr
Artist / Band / Musician
More Abergaz news at http://twitter.com/abergazpunk
Za opis na hrvatskom jeziku, klikni ovdje.Shorten version of "about band" in English language and in third person view:Abergaz was formed on March 7th 2006 by Davor Njec Hranjec. They are playing rebellious punk, but they also like to joke in their songs. Themes of their songs are from primitive fools, that are raging on the streets, through various facts in the world (and around), that concern all of us, like it or not, and to confusion in own mind, even to the eternal themes of sex, and love, and various other creatures, objects, phenomena and that all similar… No one knows, not even them, where start and where stops the themes of their songs…
Even the band talk also about politics, they are against it, because they are aware that EVERY politics is only a tool of real rulers, to alienate and divide people and to lead them to some type of fascism - and Abergaz is AGAINST all that shits!! And because phrase "politics" has perfect (*)'doublethink' meaning (*read George Orwell book called "1984"), they separated word "democracy" from "politics" phrase. They described that in their song Democracy (translated on English) exactly like this:"If it concerns me - decision is mine, if it concerns all - everybody decides. Is that difficult to understand that THAT is actually a democracy and not that shits from politicians." Talking 'about politics' and 'political speeches' are two VERY different things.
They are singing on Croatian language, because, how Njec said:"That is the language of our thoughts." The band was from the beginning and is still now very nihilistic-minded, in reactions about the world that is around us.
Translations of lyrics are there http://abergaz.page.tl/Lyrics-translations.htm
http://www.mediafire.com/?mmotyyjz3qc hehehehe, ovo je link za download full verzije Popizdunca ;)

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