
Cologne, DE
Artist / Band / Musician
Drum & Bass
Soul:R, Soundtrax, Phunkfiction, Vampire, CIA DK
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Bio Henree has always been a passionate music lover with interest in a broad spectrum of genres including detroit techno, deep house, hip-hop, jazz, funk & fusion. Since all these styles played an influencial part for his 1st love - Drum and Bass it was just a logical progression to immerse himself in this music & get behind the decks. Hailing from the city of Cologne in Germany, he is part of a long-serving crew called Tatort, with whom he still runs a monthly allnighter in is hometown. When his first productions saw the light of day, they were pretty quickly picked up by all major players in and outside of the drum and bass scene and were making their waves on dancefloors and radiostadions all across the globe. Since he gained more and more attention through his releases on various labels (e.g. like Soundtrax, Phunkfiction and Soul:R), Henree had the opportunity to travel throughout Europe to present his music. In terms of his DJ selection as well as on his own productions he prefers his beats energetic but still with a soulful edge not forgetting about the funk & groove. But whilst others try to split Drum & Bass in even more subgenres, it‘s still just Drum & Bass to him. It doesn‘t matter what style it is - if it‘s good it‘s good. Quality is what matters to him - not the pigeonhole it‘s been put in. Truly playing the whole spectrum that this music has to offer you will undoubtedbly here more of him and his music in the near future.

Click here to my discography at rolldabeats.com

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